Quests May Operate via a Lower Level
I was uncertain as to whether to post this Topic. It took considerable effort to produce and may be an unproductive effort to read.
Higher-level enlightenment and salvation.
often seem to express or use one (or more) lower-level , as noted already in relation toIt is common in THEE Typologies for one Type to commandeer features of others to its service. So it is not surprising to find that a higher can appropriate typical features of a lower . The person's remains the higher version.
The system is shown summarized in a matrix.
For the same explanation in text form, open the drop-down boxes below.
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Dominant Quest → |
Spirituality RH'L7 |
Obedience RH'L6 |
Creation RH'L5 |
Salvation RH'L4 |
Enlightenment RH'L3 |
Meaning RH'L2 |
Pleasure RH'L1 |
Spirituality RH'L7 |
Non-dualistic Being | ||||||
Obedience RH'L6 |
with focus on:
tenets, ritual, divine authority. |
Fulfilment of Duties |
Creation RH'L5 |
with focus on: miracles, abundance, blessings. | with focus on:
change via group consensus. |
Willing into Existence | ||||
Salvation RH'L4 |
with focus on:
being of service to all in need. |
with focus on:
helping others as honour bound. |
with focus on:
instituting new services for people in need. |
Compassion-driven Activity | |||
Enlightenment RH'L3 |
with focus on:
divine and existential mysteries. |
with focus on:
knowing deep symbolic truths of ritual duties. |
with focus on: producing works that express universal truths. | with focus on:
dispelling illusions around provision of aid and welfare. |
Liberation from Illusions | ||
Meaning RH'L2 |
with focus on:
calling, destiny, God's purpose. |
with focus on:
choosing a role that serves personal ideals. |
with focus on:
new ways or tools to deliver social ideals. |
with focus on:
social ideals like education or disease prevention. |
with focus on: reflecting and advising on matters aligned with your ideals. | Affirming Ideals | |
Pleasure RH'L1 |
with focus on:
blissful states, ecstasy, warmth of divine love. |
with focus on:
pleasure from the physical conditions in the role. |
with focus on:
sensual pleasure from activity,output &/or consequences. |
with focus on:
pleasurable features of the rescue work &/or its setting. |
with focus on:
charisma to gain attention, admiration and opportunities to indulge in pleasure. |
with focus on:
choosing projects, paid or unpaid, that give you pleasure. |
Pleasurable Activities |

The definition and misunderstanding of other Example:
RH'L7 + Obedience
When the Example:
RH'L7 + Creation
When the
uses , the focus moves to miracles, blessings, the receipt of abundance, even worldly success. Affirming the physical world as a divine creation (rather than an evolutionary process) possibly finds its root here.If associated with
as well, then there may be development of new rituals, new translations of holy texts, new roles for others, or new rules required by changing circumstances.RH'L7 + Salvation
The religious virtue of caritas (charity), altruistic love (Christian) or loving-kindness (Buddhist), leads to compassion and the provision of care to those most in need—but here as an expression of spirituality and a love of God.
RH'L7 + Enlightenment
The pressing existential questions when the great religions emerged were issues like the manifestation of physical reality and human life, the inevitability of suffering, the nature of God, the presence of evil, human action and responsibility. These issues are perennials and can still be the focus for a spiritual quest.
RH'L7 + Meaning
Spiritual forces may lead to a person experiencing a «calling». This may be interpreted as destiny, or as God's purpose. If the underlying
is , then the particular projects and life activities will be oriented in ways that foster the spiritual dimension.RH'L7 + Pleasure
Spirituality focuses here on divine, blissful well-being; total relaxation; the gratifying reception of an outpouring of divine love; or reaching ecstatic states.

RH'L6 + Creation
Anything that is made is done with scrupulous adherence to tradition and custom. Because obedience is group-oriented, the sanction and agreement of the group is desired.
RH'L6 + Salvation
Duties involve the rescue or aid of those in distress. E.g. acting as legal defence in cases of governmental dirty-tricks, policing in underprivileged areas.
RH'L6 + Enlightenment
Striving to know the deeper symbolic meaning of the rituals and rules that enable their chosen social institution to survive and thrive.
RH'L6 + Meaning
Choosing social roles that accord with personal ideals e.g. corruption-monitoring or adjudication within a government authority.
RH'L6 + Pleasure
Obtaining gratification from the conditions under which obedience operates e.g. promoting safe, clean, ultra-comfortable, air-conditioned and aesthetic surroundings in a government agency.

RH'L5 + Salvation
Developing new, imaginative and relevant services that enable self-help; producing high-tech tools for very low prices so that those suffering from a poor education can access materials, learn and improve themselves.
RH'L5 + Enlightenment
Producing works that express universal truths, or are built around a deep understanding of an everyday social phenomenon that is widely misperceived.
RH'L5 + Meaning
Applying social ideals to the choice of creative activity e.g. social entrepreneurship.
RH'L5 + Pleasure
Obtaining gratification from physical aspects of the creative activity and output, or its consequences, like exhibiting, travelling, lecturing.

RH'L4 + Enlightenment
Assistance is associated with dispelling illusions about aid, and gaining an understanding of relevant phenomena like cultural interaction, bureaucracy and multilateral aid.
RH'L4 + Meaning
The rescue activities may not be oriented to survival or subsistence, but based on social ideals like education and preventive health care.
RH'L4 + Pleasure
Pleasure may be obtained as part of providing the particular service or assistance: e.g. comforts in the physical setting, thrills from the dangers.

RH'L3 + Meaning
Inquiring, communicating and advising others in relation to specific ideals that are relevant to the local society.
RH'L3 + Pleasure
Enlightenment can be developed and communicated in ways that generate charisma and lead to admiration, attention and indulgence in personal pleasures.

RH'L2 + Pleasure
Personal ideals may lead to certain work choices, and foster participation in relevant projects. It is natural, however, to seek enjoyable activities, pleasant social environments, and convivial co-workers. It is irrelevant whether payment is involved.
- Distinguish our natural search for well-being and prosperity from .
Originally Posted: 15-Jun-2012